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Chile will host the SCA Club Handball 2025!

Chile will host the SCA Handball Clubs 2025. The Handball Libertadores will be played in Santiago, the Chilean capital, and aims to host 16 clubs per branch by the middle of this year.

The Confederation of South and Central America Handball, COSCABAL has an agreement to hold the main club championship of the continent.

As is traditional, the competition will be played in May.

The event, which has quotas for the champions of the tournaments organized by the National Federations of South and Central America, will be held in Santiago, Chile, and aims to bring together the men’s and women’s teams of the continent.

Likewise, COSCABAL has invitations for other teams to compete and be part of “La Libertadores del Handball”.


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Champions defend their crown

As usual, the reigning champions of the championship are assured of their place in the competition.

For the women’sin the version held in San José, Brazil, Pinheiros (BRA) defends its title.

Pinheiros champion of the SCA Handball Clubs 2024. Photo: CoSCABal / Germán Paez.

Meanwhile, in the men’s division, after the edition organized in the city of Taubaté, Brazil, the local team of this competition, Taubaté (BRA), defends first place, Taubaté (BRA), defends first place.

Taubaté champion of the SCA Handball Clubs 2024. Photo: CoSCABal / Germán Paez.
Development for clubs on the continent

After years of working on the development of handball, and after a successful version in 2024, COSCABAL expects to increase the number of participants for the 2025 edition.

Considering that the cost of air transportation has a direct impact on the participants’ budget, COSCABAL has reached a very important agreement with JetSmart, the official airline of continental handball, whose benefits are extended to the participants of the SCA Handball Clubs 2025.

“This agreement with JetSmart seeks to give greater options to our athletes and those who participate in our tournaments.”

“This is particularly relevant in our club competitions, as it allows us to support the teams and thus increase the number of competitors by supporting the grassroots of continental handball.”

This was stated by Marcel Mancilla, president of the Confederation of South and Central America Handball.

Stay tuned to our website with all the news of the most important Club Handball championship of the Continent.

Remember that you can follow us on our social networks, Instagram handballsca and Facebook Handball SC America Coscabal

If you liked Chile will host the SCA Handball Clubs 2025!you can also come back to read: Taubtaé Champion of the South Central Men’s Clubs Handball South Central 2024!


Photos: CoSCABal / Germán Paez

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