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IndoorNewsSouth Central American Championship

Guillermo Milano and the great challenge of defending the title

Within the framework of the new CoSCABal program: + Handball, the Argentine head coach spoke about the challenges and objectives he will have at the helm of ‘Los Gladiadores’.

The Argentine team is one of the great powers that will compete in the next Recife 2022 South and Central Tournament, and hopes to be able to repeat the great result obtained in the previous edition of Maringá 2020, where they managed to take first place in the tournament after beating it by so only somewhat to Brazil.

Precisely, that is one of the pressures that the new technical director of Argentina, Guillermo Milano, has, who spoke with Hernán De Lorenzi at the premiere of the CoSCABal program,+Handball, about his new role in the technical team and his objectives with the albiceleste selection.

I didn’t come to change anything, but to try to have new people and a better idea of the game, but always maintaining the same line (of the previous coaches), said the Argentine head coach who took over at the last Cali 2021 Junior Pan American Games. “Now I have to be in this place and we have to try to do it with the corresponding responsibility”, he stated.

On the other hand, and with his sights set on what will be Recife, Milano recognized that Brazil and Chile are the countries that always give the Argentine team the fight, but that without a doubt the other teams can also do so, since “they are going to be a much more even tournament than the previous ones”.

For this second edition organized by CoSCABal of the qualifying tournament, the Argentine head coach assured that Argentina made an extraordinary preparation for what will be Recife and that, clearly, they will leave everything on the field to continue with the title of the best in America .


Photo: archive

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