Guillermo Milano spoke from Paris 2024. The coach of the Argentine men’s national team qualified Los Gladiadores for their fourth Olympic participation. In this edition,...
A través de su sitio web, la Escuela de Entrenadores Nacionales (ENE) de la Real Federación Española de Balonmano anunció la apertura de dos convocatorias...
The Confederation of South and Central America of Handball will hold the second version of the International Seminar of update for handball coaches; which will...
The Recife 2022 Handball festival is not only on the court, as the South Central American Handball Confederation (CoSCABal) has taken advantage of the event...
La Confederación de Sur y Centro América de Balonmano presenta una nueva instancia formativa. La Comisión de Desarrollo en conjunto con la Comisión de Beach...
CoSCABal presents its Conference program for coaches in the training stage. From July 29 to August 7, you can participate in lectures by prominent coaches...