The technical delegates who attended the Men’s Handball World Cup in Croatia, Denmark and Norway tell us about their experience.
Thedy Adjemian and Luciano Zabala were present from Argentina and Esilo de Mello from Brazil.
The World Cup that ended a few days ago in Croatia, Denmark and Norway had three refereeing authorities from COSCABAL.
In semifinal and bronze
Thedy Adjemian, was one of the referees responsible for the venue in Herning, Denmark where Groups A and B played.
“The talks and returns of the matches with the referees were under my responsibility. After the Main Round I went to Oslo where I was the Technical Delegate for the semi-final between Denmark vs Portugal and I was also nominated for the Bronze medal between France and Portugal”.

This is the sixth adult World Cup in which Adjemian has participated:
“A beautiful and very positive experience. Especially after my nominations in the finals at the Olympic Games.”
“I feel a great responsibility and pride, hopefully it will help COSCABAL countries to be convinced that refereeing and technical delegates are a very important part of their Federation”.
“That they can commit themselves and feel that perhaps referees and delegates do not give them the political mileage and promotion that their national teams can give them; but that they understand that these players also serve to improve the level of play in their respective countries,” concluded Thedy Adjemian.
Adding experience
Luciano Zabala, technical delegate at COSCABAL participated for the first time in an Adult World Cup.
“On the one hand, I fulfilled a dream because since one starts in the world of refereeing one always aspires to be able to reach the highest competition in our sport.”
“On the other hand, I felt a great responsibility because you represent a whole continent and you want to do it in the best possible way, so there are a lot of mixed feelings.”
“During the first game, I experienced the logical nerves of standing in front of the best players and coaches in the world, but once the ball started bouncing, I was able to forget everything and concentrate on the role I had to play”.
Luciano Zabala’s sensations in his debut in the adult men’s handball world championship.
“I come back with a lot of experience from the World Cup, I learned things in every game, from the management of the benches and the coaches to regulatory issues and refereeing techniques.”

Zabala said that the 60 minutes are very intense and that different situations are constantly occurring.
“Something particular that happened at my venue was the behavior of the Macedonian team’s crowd. There were some incidents such as, throwing different objects on the court to express disagreement in relation to refereeing decisions.”
The public pressure was felt, Zabala said that it was a nice and natural feeling for him, as he has more to do with how the Latin American public lives, but it is not a normal behavior in Europe and surprised the entire organization.
Finally, he thanked the chief referee, Thedy Adjemian, for having trusted him to be present at a World Cup and also for the preparation he gives them throughout the year.
“Thanks to Adjemian’s permanent training, delegates as referees, we arrive in the best way to any competition. Thedy is a very concerned and busy person for the growth of refereeing and empowers us at all times.”
Luciano Zabala was working as time keeper and score keeper in the city of Varazdin, Croatia, in total he was present in 9 matches, between first round and main round.
France vs Macedonia, Qatar vs Hungary, Hungary vs Austria, Macedonia vs Qatar, Qatar vs Netherlands, Hungary vs Netherlands, Macedonia vs Guinea, Guinea vs Hungary and Hungary vs Macedonia.
“The evaluation is permanent, in every game someone is watching your performance and this is also a team effort. Once it is over we always get together and make a small evaluation of how we worked and how was the performance of the whole group”.
“My teammates, who have previously participated in many world championships and have a wide trajectory, were happy with my performance. Personally, I’m a very demanding person and I’m looking forward to the next competition to continue working and improving”.
Brazilian representation
Another of COSCABAL’s technical delegates who has been doing a great job is Esilo de Mello from Brazil.

“I worked the first two weeks in Herning, Denmark in the first round and in the Main Round. Then the last week I was in Oslo, Norway at a quarterfinal match between Germany and Portugal.”
“The atmosphere of the entire championship is sensational, the games in general were real spectacles for the public, and the games on the court were of great technical quality.”
Esilo de Mello commented that they had 3 days of preparation in Zagreb, Croatia to establish a working standard for everyone involved in the event, from delegates, observers and referees.
“All this work there undoubtedly gives us more experience and great learning that we can then use in our competitions in our countries, as well as in COSCABAL events.”
“The most important thing is to pass on all this knowledge and experience gained at the World Cup.”
Esilo worked as a technical delegate, observer and also as an IHF official, and assured that it always adds positively to his learning.
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Photo credits: courtesy of IHF / Kolektiff
By Loly Coria