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IndoorNewsSouth Central American Championship

Victory of Brazil in the SCA U16 Handball

It was Brazil’s victory in the first day of the SCA U16 Handball Asunción 2024. In an exciting match played at the CEO, the Brazilian team beat Chile by 30-25. With a well-worked attack, Chile was able to score the first goal of the match through Gaspar Serrano, as Brazil had started with an open and high defense, pressuring the Chilean center back. However, the Chilean national team set up a 5-1 defense, bothering the Brazilian setters. During the first half, the game was back and forth, with good attacks from both teams managing to penetrate the rival defense. Brazil, in addition, was able to take advantage on several occasions of the movements in space of its center who ended up shooting alone. Chile at times was ahead in the scoreboard, but their rival did not let them overcome it. Finally they went to the break with absolute parity, both teams having scored 15 goals.  

Brazil vs Chile in the HSCA U16, Asunción 2024. Photo: CoSCABal / Germán Paez.

  The second half promised to be just as even and intense as the first half. However, Brazil with a flatter defense managed to hinder the attacks of their rival and take the lead for the first time in the entire match. The mistakes in the Chilean offense and a score of 4 goals down, forced coach Matias Salinas to call a time-out. Chile began to manage their attacks better, but at times they found themselves up against the defense under the three posts of Riquelme Silva. The good saves of the Brazilian goalkeeper and the efficiency in the shots of the green and yellow team, allowed them to win the debut by 30 to 25. The scorers were Eduardo Rodrigues of Brazil with 8 goals, while Cristobal Silva scored 6 for Chile.


FIXTURE AND RESULTS HSCA UNDER 16 Also, so you don’t miss anything follow us on Instagram with all the coverage of the SCA U16 Handball Tournament: @handballsca

If you liked Brazil’s victory in the SCA U16 Handball, you may also like to read Argentina and Paraguay Champions in SCA U14 Handball!

Photos: CoSCABal/Germán Paez
By Rocío Mariel García Sigüenza.

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