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Nadyr Figueredo president of the Paraguayan Confederation

Just days before the start of the South Central American Junior and Cadet Handball Championship to be held in Asuncion, Nadyr Figueredo, president of the Paraguayan Handball Confederation, highlighted the positive impact that the upcoming SCA tournaments will have. Figueredo maintains and emphasizes the importance of holding competitions for the development of sport in the country and also for ambitious future projects, such as the consolidation of Beach Handball and the aspiration to take Paraguayan handball to the Olympic Games.

What’s next

From September 17 to 21 the SCA Handball Championship for Minors will be played and from September 24 to 28 the Cadets category will be disputed. Regarding these competitions Figueredo said:

  • “It is highly positive, our country is confirmed as a recurrent organizer of international competitions positioning Handball as an emerging sports spectacle.”
  • It was precisely the work between several organizations that resulted in a new stadium, the UENO Arena COP was a project promoted by the Paraguayan Olympic Committee in conjunction with the National Government through the Secretariat of Sports. Today, sport in Paraguay is a priority in the public agenda”.
Nadyr Figueredo, president of the Paraguayan Handball Confederation. Photo: CoSCABal / Jorge Olmedo.
Challenges and objectives

What have been the biggest challenges you have faced during your tenure?

  • Initially, one of the greatest challenges faced by our administration was to restore the institution’s finances and administrative order. It was a titanic task, but the result was satisfactory.

What aspects do you consider still need to be addressed and what are the short- and long-term objectives for Paraguayan handball?

  • One of the challenges we face in the short term is to take our sport to a wider audience, making it an attractive, accessible and safe product for families.
  • In the long term we want to take Paraguayan Handball to the Olympic Games.
Historical growth

The president of the Paraguayan Confederation assures that Handball in his country is having a historic growth. “New clubs and new federations were created. Also, we have an annual competition calendar, where we compete at the metropolitan and national level.”
“As far as selections are concerned, we started with an ambitious process under the guidance of Dady Gallardo.”

Paraguay National Team, Cadet category at the SCA Handball Tournament, Asuncion 2023. Photo: CoSCABal / Jorge Olmedo.

In addition to the upcoming championships, what other events are planned for the remainder of 2024?

  • After the Sur Centro, in October the finals of the U14 and 18 National Championship will be played in the city of San Bernardino. In addition, we are working on a project to relaunch Beach Handball in our country next summer.

How is the work carried out by the Paraguayan Confederation together with COSCABAL?

  • We work together with COSCABAL and feel very much supported by the governing body of continental handball.

In closing, Nadyr Figueredo expressed that it is an enormous honor and privilege to be in the Presidency of the Paraguayan Handball Confederation. “I try to honor day by day with a lot of work and management the trust placed in me by the presidents of Clubs and Federations of my country”. If you liked “Nadyr Figueredo president of the Paraguayan Confederation, you can also read Taubaté prepares for the Club World Cup Photos: CoSCABal / Jorge OlmedoBy Camila Miranda Torres.

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