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International Trainers’ Updating Seminar

Until September 18 you have time to register for the International Seminar for Handball Coaches Update. COSCABAL continues to open spaces for education and training. On this occasion, the South and Central American Handball Confederation presents the III International Seminar oThe event is aimed at updating knowledge, game trends and training methodology with the best speakers in the discipline.

To whom it is addressed

This International Refresher Seminar is aimed at trainers:

  • National and/or high-level national teams designated by the National Federations.
  • Clubs and National Leagues.
  • Coaches and players with projection to coaches, with experience in handball.

The modality will be mixed, therefore, there will be synchronous virtual sessions that will include a face-to-face-virtual practice and also asynchronous virtual sessions with control exams in each meeting.For this reason, the platforms to be used will be Google Classroom for asynchronous activities and classes so it will be necessary to have a gmail account to participate. And to In addition, Zoom will be used for activities with synchronous virtual sessions . We share with you the link to the SEMINAR PROGRAM

Coach Cristiano Rocha of Brazil at the Santiago 2023 Pan American Games. Photo: CoSCABal / Germán Paez.
Enrollment Process

The following are some of the requirements that you should take into account before registering. 1) First of all, they must have a Gmail account.
2) Che registration fee is US$40.00 general and US$30.00 for members of CoSCABal National Federations.3) Payment can be made by PAYPAL, after registration you will receive a payment email. 4) Once you complete the registration and payment, you will receive access to the synchronous presentations, and an invitation to Google Classroom for the asynchronous activities.

Registration is open until September 18. Click on the following link: REGISTRATION FORM

  • CoSCABal National Federation Members: All participants can opt for the preferential fee of US$30.00 as an active member of his/her National Federation, for which he/she must attach in the registration form a valid certification that accredits him/her as a Federated member (membership card, letter of federated member, etc).

The speakers of this Seminar are world experts in different areas of training and performance in handball. We will count with the participation of Diego Soto (ESP), Juan Oliver Coronado (ESP), Matt Olson (SWE), Didier Dinart (FRA), Eduardo Gallardo (ARG), Priscila Álvarez (ARG), Leticia Brunati (ARG) and Crisitano Rocha (BRA).

Don’t miss this opportunity to access and continue training! You can also read: International Beach Handball Course

Photos: CoSCABal / Germán Paez

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