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Beach Handball Refereeing Course in Ecuador

From June 26 to July 25 a Beach Handball refereeing course was held in Ecuador. Thirteen referees from the Ecuadorian Federation and the city of Manta participated. The theme of the training was based on the rules of the game and situations specific to the discipline. Eduardo González, one of the official delegates in charge of the training, commented on the development of the course. “The first days we focused on the rules of the game, the days were divided into theoretical and practical. In addition, we had a technical meeting where a talk was given and then the referees took a written test and also a physical test.”

Training and Tournament

For the second time an International Tournament was held in the city of Manta, with 9 men’s and 4 women’s teams. The champion was the team from Bogota, Colombia in the women’s division and in the men’s division, in addition to teams from different cities of Ecuador, teams from Lima, Peru and Chile participated and were crowned with the first place.

“The tournament was played from Thursday to Sunday, during the tournament we also organized talks to make clear the rules of the game, the regulations were the most emphasized. The referees were put in situation so that they could solve certain game situations”, said Gonzalez.

Staff of qualified referees after the tournament in the Municipality of Manta, Ecuador. Photo: courtesy of Eduardo González.


Level infrastructure

“The infrastructure that Manta has is first class, the stadium has a capacity for two thousand people, electronic scoreboard, two playing fields and space for hydration”, are some of the details provided by Eduardo Gonzalez.

One of the activities that took place was the assembly of the court, the referees and delegates must know how to assemble a court.

Teams participating in the Beach Handball Tournament in Manta, Ecuador. Photo: courtesy of E.G.
Finally, a presentation was given on A conversation with Luiz Felipe, the head of beach referees, was also attended by Marcio Magliano. The importance of the presence of the South and Central American Handball Confederation to follow and promote beach handball in the continent was emphasized.


Photos: courtesy of E. G By: Martina Gallo

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