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Talent Detection Program and Handball Refereeing Rules Update

Continuing with the work of the Talent Detection and Handball Referee Rules Update Program, the Chilean Handball Federation received Teodoro Adjemian, Head of the CoSCABal Playing Rules Commission and IHF Lecturer.

The objective of his visit was to develop referee training, while the Ladies National Handball League was being played.

Teodoro Adjemian was in charge of the work carried out and stated: “I found a group eager to learn and grow. Quite heterogeneous. Some pairs with more experience and others who have recently entered the world of arbitration⁣.
However, there are interesting pairs to include in the CoSCABal roster. With work in their respective countries and being nominated in CoSCABal competitions, I am convinced that they can reach continental levels”.

Talent Detection Program and Handball Referee Rules Update.

CoSCABal has scheduled work with more Federations, and hopes that all of them will join an initiative that involves training both in refereeing and in handball coaches on the Continent.


Photos: CoSCABal

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