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The Work of the PRC

The activities within the South and Central America Handball Confederation´s are developed permanently, they do not stop. Refereeing is one of them, and especially in a year as particular as the one we live in, where as a result of the pandemic that the whole world is suffering, this activity has also had to reinvent itself to maintain and improve the quality of its training work.

That is why from the PRC (Playing Rules and Referees Commission) of Coscabal chaired by Thedy Adjemian (Arg), the honorary member Sálvio Sedrez (Bra) and integrated by Rolando Ferres (Uru), Ésilo de Mello (Bra), Randall Gutiérrez (CRC), May Orjuela (Col) and Claudio Bluck (Chi), adequate programs and projects have been drawn up to continue training all the referees in the Region, implementing actions in order to help the different actors to will achieve the objective of prioritizing and optimize the level of refereeing. This responds to two realities, one permanent and long-term aimed at generating solid foundations in the arbitration bodies of the continent and the other immediate related to maintaining work, focus, seriousness and professionalism.

Several axes make up the work plan and give life to the projects that are being implemented:

IHF Referee Training
Training, monitoring and evaluation for aspiring referees to the GRTP (Global Refereeing Training Project) that will graduate future IHF Referees during the first months of 2021.
Chief Referee Mentor Project
Referee Mentoring Project
Young Technical Delegates
Preparation of Teaching Material
To implement all these lines of work, the President of the PRC describes each of the projects that are under development:

Training of IHF Referees: It has been carried out through monthly virtual meetings in order to follow the permanent preparation of the top referees of the continent. Analysis of game situations are carried out through clips and evaluations with different Video Tests carried out by PRC of CoSCABal. The referees have also prepared different presentations to show among their peers.

Training, monitoring and evaluation for arbitrators aspiring to the GRTP: It began through monthly virtual meetings, which in recent months have been transformed into fortnightly to adequately reinforce the applicants. In them, through the analysis of game situations, evaluations with Video Test and permanent theory, the aim is to strengthen the mandatory English language for their graduation as IHF referee and to reinforce the theoretical knowledge they require for a successful resolution of game situations. We also work analyzing situations of the referees themselves to help them improve decision-making with all the elements that this involves and technical presentations.

Referee Mentoring Project: Replicating the IHF guidelines, the most experienced referees accompany the younger referees, contributing from their experiences to their growth. This project maintains a fluid relationship between them maintaining permanent communication, collaborating and clearing up any type of doubts about the refereeing career both in the technical and attitudinal aspects.

Chief Referee Mentors Project: In Adjemian’s words, this is a modern, unique and extremely interesting and enriching project”. It is based on one of the main diagnoses of the region: the absence of referees of international and continental level in most of the Coscabal countries and in the need of almost all the National Federations to train their referee chiefs, because they existing in many countries but was invisible. With the certainty that a course or talk that eventually a reader can give in the countries that request it does not solve the underlying problem, which is to accompany the permanent development and growth of the referees and Chief Referees of the different countries, began officially after their approved by the Executive last August.

Its objective is to divide the countries of South and Central America into groups and assign a mentor or tutor who is a member of the PRC, who works with the Chief Referee of each country and the pairs that he determines, carries out permanent monitoring and updating through technical presentations. , development of work and periodic evaluations applying theoretical tests and video analysis. For this, special software was acquired for evaluations and work teams were formed to support the activity.

In this way, Adjemian says, all the countries of the continent are working with their respective refereeing projects, preparing them to apply and be eligible for the different tournaments, in which they can have the opportunity to start a continental career, fundamentally achieving knowledge and that the latest updates arrive immediately and with certainty to all National Federations, which should undoubtedly have an impact on improving both the general knowledge of their refereeing bodies and their internal competence. So far, the different working groups have held monthly meetings in both South and Central America.

Young Technical Delegates: This is another innovative project that has begun to be implemented with the agreement of the Executive and its objective is to prepare the Technical Delegates of the future. For this, a list of young Technical Delegates from different countries of South and Central America has been designated who will contribute from their knowledge to the Technical Delegates that Coscabal already has. “The PRC is convinced that the interaction and coexistence of Delegates of different generations and levels of experience contribute to their mutual growth and development,” Adjemian tells us.

Preparation of Didactic Material: A great variety of didactic material has been prepared during the current year (technical works, Video Test, Presentations, etc). All of them made by Coscabal. It is a huge challenge to have your own video library, with clips and endless game situations for analysis. Also the immense pride of the creation of a virtual platform that allows the taking of theoretical evaluations in real time, a new and totally avant-garde system adds.

“We expected 2020 in a different way. But from the PRC Coscabal we are committed in a professional and passionate way so that our referees, regardless of the country they are from, have access to the tools and the latest news, so that they can develop the most important things that a human being can have: Training, Containment and Growth ”says Thedy Adjemian to close this brief summary of the activities of the PRC of HANDBALL SC AMERICA.

Photo: archive

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